
New Concept Of Tech —Special For Women

Recently, gadget makers have begun paying more attention to what women really want. For example, women contributed about $90 billion to consumer electronics consumption in 2013. And the product features attract those female dollars revolve around functionality rather than just adorableness. Women tend to seek out gadgets that are well-designed, durable and straightforward to use.


The following five new concept tech gadgets exemplify how the consumer electronics industry gets it right for women.


Intelligent Wake-up Calls

Harvard Medical School found that women rouse earlier than men due to shorter sleep cycles. However, that doesn’t mean all women are innately endowed with the willpower to instantly hop out of bed. Hail the super-human woman who’s able to shun the predawn electronic din of alarm clocks and wake naturally with the rising sun. For the rest of us mere mortals, modern technology can help ensure that we exit our beds on schedule. Enter Sleeptracker: the nighttime wristwatch monitors circadian rhythms for you. That can be a particular boon for women, since once the watch detects early morning movements, indicating that deep sleep is over, it sounds the alarm.


All Things Apple

In 2013, Forbes described Apple as “the world’s most discretely feminine brand,” fawning over its sleek, curvaceous designs and straightforward user experience. That unofficial honorific was bestowed around the same time results from a Women & Digital Life survey revealed Apple as the most-admired tech brand among females.


Portable Battery Charger

Nielsen data from August 2013 demonstrates a distinct gender divide among tech gadgets, with women preferring to tote along their light, while men tend to opt for the broader functionality of tablet computers like the iPad. Manufacturer Kinkoo, produce a kind of backup portable battery charger  for cellphone and tablet , unveiled a palm-sized portable charger- the Infinite One can fully charge an iPhone 4-5 times. It’s slim, reliable and portable. Backup portable battery charger for cellphone is a life saver. Just keep it in your purse and when your phone needs a charge you just plug it into the portable charger for charging on the go. No outlet necessary.


Purse-perfect Printers

Since women tend to double as their families’ photographers, camera manufacturers have designed lighter, sleeker point-and-shoot options with them in mind. For instance, Lady Gaga told the press that she carries around a Polaroid 3-inch by 4-inch GL10 instant mobile printer in her purse. The printer serves as a portable photo lab, as opposed to the vintage Polaroid camera that takes pictures and automatically spits out prints.


Go Anywhere with a GPS

Although it might seem misogynistic to include a GPS device on this list, in reality these gadgets are essential for men and women alike. GPS could put mothers’ minds at ease while the kids are out camping or when the dog gets loose from the leash.